TPR Post-Secondary Vocational Training School (PSVTS)

Your source for Medication Administration Management and Caregiver Training.

(702) 209-2423

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Our services

  • Medication Management

    HCQC approved training for NAC449.2742 - NAC449.2748, and
    NRS449.037 (16 hours) 

    •Administration of medications
    Pharmacology basics
    •Drug classification
    Infection Control
    •Review of body systems
    Transcribing physician script to MAR
    •Routes of administration
    Medication error reporting
    •Reporting and documentation
    Glucose Monitoring
    •Insulin Pen Technician
    Certification to Administer Insulin
    *Taught by a Registered Nurse

  • Caregiver Training

    HCQC training for
    NAC449.196 (16 hours).

    What is a caregiver?
    Infection Control
    •Hand washing technique
    Activity of daily living
    •Personal hygiene and care
    Basic Nutrition
    •Fall prevention
    Transferring patients
    •Equipment Usage
    Fire safety
    •Aging with grace
    Elder abuse and neglect
    •Depression and mood 
    Chronic Diseases
    •Caregiver burnout

  • Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Pen

    Training for HCQC449.2726 

    TPR – Post Secondary Vocational Training School is now teaching Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Pen training with our 16-hour Medication Management training course!

    Glucose Monitoring and Insulin pen Technician training for Certification to administer, with the training by a Registered Nurse!

  • Virtual Classes

    Take advantage of our classes that are offered via ZOOM and GOOGLE MEET.  Complete our classes from the comfort and safety of your own home or workplace.

“The two-day/16-hour class is well worth it.”

“There's so much ❤️and support… From the time you enter the classroom until you complete your state test. I wouldn't go anywhere else, this is my home.”

“Can’t wait to be back next year to renew my certification. I just love Ms. Rosa very kind and welcoming. Thank you so much.”

Read more reviews ►

Available Classes

Caregiver Training Initial/Renewal
(2 days) - $250.00

Diabetic Training Class
(2 hours) - $75.00

Medication Management Initial Class (2 days) - $250.00

Vital Signs Training Class
(2 hours) - $75.00

Medication Management Renewal
(1 day) - $150.00

*Special group classes are available upon arrangement

(702) 523-6166